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Top 5 Airflow Issues with HVAC Systems

Insights from Your Home Comfort Specialists in Easton, PA

Imagine waking up on a chilly, winter morning, or a hot summer day, only to find something is not right with your heating or air conditioning. Your mind is already in overdrive, thinking about what may be wrong with your HVAC system, how long will it take to fix the issue, or how big a hole it will burn in your pocket to get it repaired. However, before you panic, or think of the worst, check for the telltale signs, which may throw some light on the nature of the issue. 

  • Are you sensing distinct hot and cold spots throughout your home?
  • Do you hear any strange whistling sounds, or find that some areas are very drafty? 
  • Do you see your doors slam by themselves? 
  • Are you continually checking your air conditioning registers, but there is no air coming from them, even when the unit is on?

If you are experiencing some of these signs, it may be nothing but an airflow problem. While there are several reasons for a restricted flow, the good news is that it is relatively easy and inexpensive to fix it. The specialists at Comfort Solutions HVAC list the top airflow issues, and explain how you may be able to fix or prevent them.

Key Reasons for HVAC Airflow Issues

  1. Condenser Unit Obstructions or Dirty Coils: One of the most common reasons for an HVAC airflow problem is that the condenser unit that typically sits outside, can get obstructed by leaves, dirt or debris. This is an easy fix; simply clear the area around the unit, and you should see a marked improvement in the airflow inside. Sometimes, the condenser coils that are exposed to the elements may become so dirty that they cannot release the necessary amount of heat, which in turn puts pressure on the cooling mechanism of the HVAC system. Sign up for routine inspection and maintenance services so that the coils get cleaned at regular intervals.
  2. Blocked Vents or Registers or Clogged Filters: Often in commercial spaces, people do not agree on a common thermostat setting. As a temporary fix, they block the vent with their desks, cabinets, planters, or other furniture items. Just move around the pieces to ensure that your vents and registers are not impeded. If blockage of vents is not the issue, the problem could be with your HVAC filter. Unclog the filter and clean any dust or debris that may be obstructing the airflow of your AC or furnace.
  3. Leaky Ducts: If dust and debris get past your AC filters, they usually end up clogging the ducts, which can impact the operating capacity of your system. If your building is an older construction, there is also the risk of rodents or birds making their nests inside the HVAC ducts. Moreover, in older buildings, the walls around the ductwork could develop cracks or holes that cause leakages in the airflow. To avoid these issues, it is best to get your ducts inspected and cleaned periodically.
  4. Sluggish Fan Motor: Within your HVAC system, it is the blower fans that move the air through the ducts and into your space for heating or cooling. If the fan or its motor is not functioning at optimum capacity, it can impact the airflow significantly. Clean the fan to speed up its operation or call in an HVAC repair technician to get the motor replaced.
  5. Refrigerant Levels: Your HVAC system’s refrigerant levels tend to drop over time, due to continuous usage, and also in case of a leak. Trained technicians will check for leaks and top-up the refrigerant levels during any routine maintenance service.

Although the reasons for an impacted airflow may be quite varied, the easiest way to prevent these issues, is to sign up for a preventive maintenance service. The air-conditioning and furnace maintenance programs by Comfort Solutions HVAC focus on optimizing the efficiency and lifespan of your unit and help you avoid expensive repairs in the long run. We have been serving residents throughout Eastern PA and the surrounding NJ areas, and offer prompt installation and repairs for both, heating and cooling solutions. 

Need a repair or tune up for your HVAC system? Call us at 610-438-9300 to book an appointment. You can also contact us online to request an estimate. Our N.A.T.E. certified technicians look forward to making your PA home or office space comfortable through all seasons.

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